Post 1: PLN and Digital Identity

What is a digital identity:

Everything we upload on the internet from our fingertips constitutes our digital identity. Whether favorable or negative, your digital identity is impossible to remove and can be used against you in the future. Many organizations now check at a potential employee’s internet presence before hiring since it may harm them. Many times, it can have a favorable impact. Some people even have their careers terminated and even impact their lives. (Stoller, E., 2016)

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

In my opinion, personal and professional approaches to digital identity will affect the use of social media because of their versatile usefulness. Many people nowadays separate their work emails from their personal emails. I believe that is a great idea because it leaves a lot of room for professionalism and separates the two sides of a person’s life. That way, when a company is researching you, they will look at your professional portfolio, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t look at your personal portfolio. Nonetheless, it is important to be careful with what you post on the internet. A great example is Indeed, it has a lot of information about a person and is a great tool to show off the professional aspect of your life and your experience in certain fields. Other social media will reflect the personal aspect of your life such as Snapchat and other similar social media. Employers may look at these accounts to truly dig down and find who you truly are.

How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

Almost all jobs nowadays require you to have some sort of networked public, whether it’s social media, emails, or even other websites. For example, when you sign up for websites or other things online, it prompts you to put in an email or some type of network contact.

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