Public PLN – Balancing PLN, Media Literacy, & Public Discourse

Media Literacy has an interesting meaning. Social media overtakes our lives on a daily basis. Media literacy is being able to comprehend and understand different types of media. Having a public eye in a media space has many benefits to it. First of, it allows the owner of these accounts to promote positive and important information about what is happening around the world, in every aspect. It also helps to influence people about certain issues around the world and bring up many situations that tend to be forgotten. On the other hand, it could be extremely dangerous because having many followers can have its own negative sideeffects. For example, anything you post can be used against you. Media lteracy is also important in order to keep companies and people accountable for what they post on the internet. This literacy is great to understand because in important situations, it can help understand what message these people or companies are truly attempting to spread, and being able to see through it. It also makes it more important for these companies to ensure that what they post on the internet is not going to destroy their company in anyway.

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